"Don't be afraid to try new things...You'll be happy that you did. Let people know they are important...Give your sister hugs, and always say I love you before you leave the house."

Eli would come in, ice and snow on his cheeks, calling my name and stomping his feet... "Mom, I'm hungry, what can I take to to the shack to eat?" So I'd load up a bag and he'd check it out, then he'd give me a look like it wasn't enough. We would add a nice steak or some hamburger patties and I'd load up his pockets with oatmeal pies and animal crackers. I'd tell him home at midnight. He'd push it until One. Then a team of frozen friends would climb the stairs to his room. They'd sleep for two hours and sneak back down the stairs..."We're just getting up early to fish, they would say". Sometimes Eli would be going out early, but sometimes he was left behind sleeping...face down in his bed.